Last updated: Oct 4, 2024

  • Our biobank contains 1400+ sequenced isolates from healthy donors
  • You can browse our collection by searching taxonomy, BLASTing proteins of interest, or BLASTing 16S sequences to find closely related isolates
  • Individual bacterial isolates reported in DFI Symbiotic Strain Bank are available to the research community.

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All available isolates in biobank:

You can filter or search for isolate of interest by taxonomy.

  • Genome: clean, NCBI currated asseblies/contigs
  • Info: a downloadable PDF file with detailed information about the isolate

All available circularized isolates in biobank:

You can filter or search for isolate of interest by taxonomy.

  • nContigs: # of final contigs
  • nCircular: # of circular contigs
  • totalLength: sum of all contigs in base pair

Phylogenetic tree made from 71 single-copy gene in a strain.(Anvio)

You can zoom in by selecting an area over the tree.

UMAP of all biobank isolates

using presense/absense of annotated products + hypothetical protein clusters

n_neighbors = 550

257078 total products

You are about to compare your own sequences to all Biobank proteins.


You are about to compare your own sequences to all Biobank 16s rRNA sequences


List of isolates used in Bacteroidales paper

You can filter or search for isolate of interest by taxonomy, msk_id, or biosample ID.

If you have used isolates in this project, please cite: Comprehensive analyses of a large human gut Bacteroidales culture collection reveal species and strain level diversity and evolution Zhenrun J. Zhang, Cody G. Cole, Michael J. Coyne, Huaiying Lin, Nicholas Dylla, Rita C. Smith, Emily Waligurski, Ramanujam Ramaswamy, Che Woodson, Victoria Burgo, Jessica C. Little, David Moran, Amber Rose, Mary McMillin, Emma McSpadden, Anitha Sundararajan, Ashley M. Sidebottom, Eric G. Pamer, Laurie E. Comstock bioRxiv 2024.03.08.584156;,doi:

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